Preschool Classroom

Two preschoolers playing in a classroom

Our preschool program is balanced between child-centered and teacher-directed activities.  We believe that every aspect of your child’s personality, be it cognitive, social, emotional, or physical, should be touched or challenged during his or her journey with us. Each of these areas is interrelated and, in a relaxed and rich learning environment, these aspects can be naturally integrated to create maximal and effective learning.

Our Goals

Our program continues to build on the skills preschoolers have learned as infants and toddlers. Our goal is for all preschool children to be socially, emotionally and academically ready for their future educational experiences.

Our program allows preschoolers to develop self-help skills by practicing dressing for outside and at bathroom times, by pouring water and opening snack and lunches, and setting up rest and quiet time equipment. The children develop problem-solving skills when situation arise. Children are encouraged to talk through conflicts with their peers.

Our Daily Routine

Our daily routine will enhance the children’s large and small motor skills, language awareness, cultural diversity, social and emotional skills; self help skills; early literacy skills; math and encourage children to have a love of learning.

In our classroom, we value the diversity of the families we serve. We encourage families to come in and read a story, make a craft, sing songs or share an area of interest with us.  Our goal is to create a community between families, other classrooms and us.